On Page Optimization

This is a guest post by David Shaw from Shaws Web Services.

I have worked in the blogging industry for around 4 years, moving from blog to blog and doing a lot of  ghost blogging for some friends.

Many of you may know me from blogs such as protycoon.com and davidshawblog.com (I no longer own these) but I decided to move away from blogging and focus on what I do best, website design and SEO.

Since I made the move into this area I have been working for several bloggers and large organizations to help them get to the top of the search engines and drive substantial traffic to their websites.

Have you noticed that some of the top bloggers don’t actually rank highly in the SERPs for their niche and rely a lot on links from other blogs and their RSS feeds?

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This is a guest post by Andreas Horch, owner of  Linknami.com which provides link building and article marketing tools to website owners and bloggers and today is teaching us about on-page seo.

According to my experience working with website owners and webmasters, many are still confused about the difference between off-page and on-page search engine optimization (SEO) strategies.

We are not actually going to discuss the various combinations available for SEO here, but since on-page SEO is more straightforward for a beginner, I will share with you my 9 essential on-page SEO keys that I constantly apply to all my clients websites and blogs.

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• seo keys • on page seo
