SEO Myths

This is a guest post by Jesus Ramirez from

Having trouble with SEO?

Don’t feel too bad.

I used to struggle with it as much as you did if not more.

Of course that was way before I wrote The Ultimate WordPress SEO Guide For Internet Marketers.

A few years back I spent countless of hours scavenging the internet trying to find information on SEO.

I literally found thousands of articles on ranking high in search results.

I learned everything I possibly could on the subject (talk about information overload!).

It was with time that I realized that many of the things I had learned were no longer effective or were never effective.

I spent countless of hours optimizing my keyword meta tags, creating low quality articles for my website, and for article marketing sites.

All with the hope to crack within the first page of Google.

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• seo myths