work from home

This is a guest post by Liz from EtherSpeak, Inc.

Rolling out of bed, stumbling into the kitchen for a cup of coffee and booting up the computer before even brushing your hair – this is the image of a stay at home blogger.

It’s an unfair characterization and unfortunately this image is cast on bloggers and other home based workers.  Yet, is this image really unjustified?

Have you ever asked yourself how you tend to present your business image to family and friends?  Maybe some of these perceptions are not accurate – but it comes down to just that – perception.

Perhaps, if this is the case for you, it’s time to start treating the home work environment a bit more like a typical work place.

Although working from home can lend itself to various comforts, it can sometimes inadvertently stimulate an environment which promotes a less than professional and serious atmosphere, thus making an individual wonder why they just simply aren’t getting everything on their To Do list done (if they have one), or why business hasn’t brought in the traffic or revenue expected.

Learning to exhibit the same behaviors and ways of thinking one would have with an outside job should be the first step to turning your work at home environment into a more productive and structured business model.

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This is a guest post by Nitin Aggarwal from OffshoreAlly telling us 6 tips for proper management of our freelancing business.

As a freelancer or owner of a freelancing business, you have the freedom and opportunity to set your own hours, rates, and schedule. Many people would say that you are truly living the dream!

However, there is a dark side to freelancing if you don’t handle your daily tasks and scheduling properly; leaving you with a crazy workload, angry clients, and unpaid invoices.

How do you prevent this nightmare from coming true?

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• business management