facebook pages

This is a guest post by Jimmy from Auto News.

It’s quite an easy task for everybody to create a Facebook page, also known as fan page. Most of the people are creating it to promote their business via Facebook.

When you are getting involved to attract more people to your business via Facebook, it will seem to be an easy job like its making. Everybody cannot convince the people easily for getting likes, it’s simply like an art to make the current members engaged and thereby attracting more from their connections.

There are already millions of page owners who are craving for fans or people to like their pages. Sometimes many of you think that those who are getting a huge number of fans in a small amount of time are with the fake accounts; it will not be true in all cases. They are definitely following some strategies to increase the count.

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• how to increase facebook page likes automatically

This is a guest post by Matt Krautstrunk from ResourceNation.

Facebook recently announced an enhancement to their core tagging system that allows Facebook photos to be tagged with company pages. Assuming your blog has a Facebook presence this could mean a number of things for both your blog, and Facebook.

This feature was rolled out recently, and incorporates the ability to tag your blog’s Facebook page on people’s pictures. Effectively minimizing the gap between product pages and people pages; and in some regards business pages are now more powerful than personal pages.

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• facebook tags • tags for facebook • facebook tag • facebook tags pictures • facebook tags photos • facebook pictures to tag • what does tagged mean on facebook • things to tag people in on facebook • images facebook tags • tag photos for facebook
