farmer update

This is a guest post by James Hewson, a freelance writer living in UK and working for a SEO company: RMGSEO. Find out in this post, how james easily managed to avoid the panda farmer for himself and his clients without any loss of traffic, that many other websites are noticing after the Google’s panda farmer update.

I am sure many of you reading this will have heard about the recent algorithmic changes Google has made to its US and now all English-speaking indexes. For those who do not, they were aptly named the ‘Farmer and Panda’ updates – I like to refer to them combined as the ‘Panda Farmer’!

The first update only a few weeks ago (Farmer) was a major change in the ranking algorithm used by Google and impacted around 12% of websites, some large and some small. Following the fallout of this update (a number of high-profile websites were dropped right out of the first few pages) some tweaks were made and a further smaller update was implemented to mop up the mess (Panda).

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