how to be a successful blogger

This is a guest post by Cathy from Australian Credit Cards team. In this post, you are going to discover what the 10 successful bloggers and their blogs have in common when we study their success story. Hope you will feel inspired and do something better than them in coming future 😉

Of the millions of people who start blogs every day, a good portion probably have making money at the back of their minds. Stories of blogs that are now worth six figures are certainly pretty inspiring.

What the hype doesn’t show, though, is that these success stories are few and far between. Making shopping money from blogging takes time and effort. If you want to make a fortune, we’re talking 40-hour weeks and the occasional working weekend, if not more.

Obviously, successful blogs have something in common. And studies show that it’s more than hard work and a gift for words—it’s in the blogger’s psychology.

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• successful personal blogs • most successful personal blogs • successful bloggers • successful blogs • what do successful blogs have in common • most successful blogs • successful blogs 2011 • most successful blogs 2011

This is a guest post by Whiztechy who writes about blogging tips and wordpress theme at In the following post, you will discover what are the important personal qualities that a blogger must have and should improve on to be a successful blogger.

When People ask me what’s my profession and I say them blogging then many of them give a negative reply that it’s hard to succeed in blogging career and become a professional blogger.

But I guess blogging is just not another career; if anyone want to succeed in blogging he must have few qualities. OK Here I am not going to share qualities like knowing HTML, WordPress etc. because you can learn all these things with time. I am sharing few personal qualities which help bloggers to grow success and achieve their goals.

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• personal qualities • what personal qualities do you possess • What personal qualities will you need to achieve your dreams

Writing about how to be successful online, this is a guest post by Felix Albutra who is now Blogging for Profit. Check out his blog for more great and useful information.

People who already have the skills on the field they wanted are most likely become successful. Or maybe you will become successful if you immediately figure out your potentials in your field.

What if the case is different from what you are expecting?

If you are a blogger that only have the skill to write, then you won’t become successful online. Huh! Why?

Here comes the situation. What if, you are about to launch your own product or implementing a case study, then your computer shuts down.

What if you are creating your new post and you want to add an image to your article, but don’t know how?

What if you want to tweak your blog design but you can’t? And you most likely don’t want to spend money for hiring other people doing what you want.

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• bloggingaccess com

This is a guest post by Onibalusi Bamidele sharing with us tips to be a successful blogger. Do grab his free report – Ultimate Traffic Formula.

One of the greatest things about successful bloggers is that they live by principles. They all have rules guiding their actions right from when they started blogging till now and that is why they remain successful.

Everything in life is guided by principles and the same applies to blogging. When trying to be a successful blogger, there are some musts that should be your guideline, you should observe them as much as you can and you will see greater results in a little period of time.

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• successful