writing tips

This guest post is written by Jane Sheeba of Problogging Success who has an awesome free e-course for killer content creation. Be sure to check it out!

Your blogging success greatly depends on your writing skill. As you progress from the level of a novice to the experienced blogger, you can experience endless ways to improve your writing and thus you will be able to engage your audience and define your own success story.

OK, what about headlines? They are the crucial bits that get your blog posts read.

Let me get straight to the meat of this post.

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This is a guest post by Alvina from AccreditedOnlineColleges.com

Writing has always been a huge part of my life, so when I enrolled in an English program at my state college as an undergraduate no one was really surprised.

While English courses helped me perfect my grammar and understand the various works of Shakespeare, my English courses didn’t specifically prepare me for blogging.

No, the skills I learned that made me a self-proclaimed blogger extraordinaire naturally occurred while I worked as a part-time journalist for the student newspaper. To find out what lessons I learned from the news room that can help boost your blogging career, continue reading below.

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This is a guest post by Cory Collins from PageOnePower.com

Anyone who’s spent anytime blogging can readily relate to tales of bad SEO. Blog comments that hardly seem to be English, guest post request spam, and a constant stream of content solely designed to build backlinks.

And it’s unfortunate. Because I believe link building, done properly, is more about personal human interaction than anything to do with a search engine—crazy, right? Let me explain.

First you need to understand the reason most people start a blog, is because they’re passionate about something. They want to share their passion with the world. But, maintaining a blog is a lot of work. Often for little or no money.

So, some blogs start looking for content contribution from outside sources, such as guest posts. Or maybe they are just looking to build more of a community. Either way, they want their blog to stay passionate, on point, and high quality. Generically written, bland, vanilla posts written only for a backlink is the last thing they want.

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This is a guest post by Adrian from http://adrianwhittle.com

If you have any aspirations to make money online or start a successful career as an internet marketer, there is one skill that is a must have. You must be able to write.

Writing will probably play some part in everything you do from writing advertising copy, sales copy, promotional articles, email auto-responder series through to communicating with outsource workers or potential joint venture partners.

So what happens when you can’t seem to string more than two sentences or you have the dreaded writers block.

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This is a guest post by David Sneen from EarnMoreSpendMoreGroup.com

Whoa, with a title like that, what if this article turns out to be a dud? Pressure! My goal is to write a superior article–otherwise my content will contradict my heading. Therefore, I welcome your feedback (comment).

(I wrote this article with the written blog post in mind. You may find some of this information to be irrelevant if you are creating videos or Powerpoint content.)

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• how to write blogs on google

