blog writing

This is a guest post by Ben Jackson from SEO Discovery.

Once upon a time is a terribly cliché way to begin an article.

Having a keyword density of 5% is a good way to let your readers know you care more about search engines.

Talking with boring technical terms is a good way to say “click the back button”.

There is no substitute for content that gets read and shared online, and there’s no other content like it.  Not your run of the mill “quality” content, I mean stuff that creates a BUZZ.

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• funny clown faces • funny clowns • funny clown face • funny clown • clown faces • funny clowns faces • clown face • clown faces examples

This is a guest post by Jesse Langley for

Blogging is viewed as one of the simplest activities to do on the web. Anyone can blog. Blogs are free to make; there are plenty of free hosting sites where many bloggers go to start writing. Yes anyone can blog, however not everyone should.

There are many blogs out there that are just hard to read. The content, itself, isn’t physically appealing. The structure doesn’t conform to any known writing structure and often the spelling is atrocious. This isn’t typical of all blogs, but you have to wade through a lot of garbage before you find any gems.

If you want to avoid your blog becoming internet garbage, there are a couple of ways to improve it to make it more legitimate.

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This is a guest post by Karimium, a tech geek and blogger from Find out 5 key-points which worked for Karimium in attaining online success. Following these 5 things could greatly help you to improve your blogging.

With some many A-list bloggers making 6 figure sums on a monthly basis, the prospect of blogging as a career is indeed an attractive one.

I get asked on a daily basis by peers with 9-5 jobs, how I managed to succeed online. I can nail these down into 5 key points, which worked for me, which I’m willing to share with you.

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• good blogging

This is a guest post by Natasha who is going to help us today how to deal with those common distractions we often face while blogging. I am surely going to try out her solutions for the distractions she has talked about today in this post. I usually face those everyday.

Whilst I write this post, there are a number of things that can divert my attention; some can be controlled, while others are what we call “external factors”. Writing is a job that requires a lot of concentration, and a simple post will end up taking ages to complete, if you are allowing all of these distractions to get the better of you.

Distractions are there for each and every blogger, unless you are blogging as a job from an office, even then you’ll have to face some of these distractions. Even though some writers can still write amidst these distractions, but the end result will be of mediocre quality, because you weren’t using your mind to the fullest.

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• DISTRACTIONS • types of distractions • distraction • types of distraction

This is a guest post by Tara Alley who is a freelance writer and spends her time promoting CoffeeHomeDirect. Tara, through this post is sharing tips that will help us to face the situation when you really want to blog something but aren’t able to do so due to writers block. I am sure these tips will be helpful for you.

We’ve all been there.  Your last post was 12 days ago.  Your e-mail inbox is flooded, and your readers are getting anxious.  But you, you’ve got zero inspiration and no motivation.  Excellent combo!

No, not really.  Okay, but the good news is that sometimes, sometimes some of the most awesome blogs stem from a mind that’s running on empty.

It sounds crazy, right?  Sure.  But, if you think about it, if you don’t have an idea, then that means that whatever you do manage to come up with is going to be entirely, completely new.  Forget the repetitive nature that so often accompanies well established blogs.

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• tara alley