Blogging Tips & Business Tips

This is a guest post by Heather from

Are you looking to see an increase in traffic coming to your website?

Sometimes it only takes a few small changes to really boost the visibility of your site.

I’ve put together a list of some tips that you can easily employ to help cast a wider net for visitors to find and visit your site.

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This is a guest post by Adrian from

If you have any aspirations to make money online or start a successful career as an internet marketer, there is one skill that is a must have. You must be able to write.

Writing will probably play some part in everything you do from writing advertising copy, sales copy, promotional articles, email auto-responder series through to communicating with outsource workers or potential joint venture partners.

So what happens when you can’t seem to string more than two sentences or you have the dreaded writers block.

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This is a guest post by David Sneen from

Whoa, with a title like that, what if this article turns out to be a dud? Pressure! My goal is to write a superior article–otherwise my content will contradict my heading. Therefore, I welcome your feedback (comment).

(I wrote this article with the written blog post in mind. You may find some of this information to be irrelevant if you are creating videos or Powerpoint content.)

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• how to write blogs on google

This is a guest post by Ray Wilson from

Oftentimes we get so obsessed with traffic that we completely forget to improve the conversion rate of our website.

The reality is simple: you’re wasting your time if you don’t properly monetize your website.

You could have a low conversion rate like 0.5% and make a few sales, but why not maximize the conversion rate to something like 5% and make a ton more sales.

That’s why I’m giving you a few principles to think about …and I hope you’ll understand how important they are.

Your job is to put these principles into practice and see more money in your bank account.

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This is a guest post by George Guildford from Punch Communications.

With over 10 million users and counting, Pinterest has quickly become the latest social media platform to get bloggers, social media agencies and businesses talking.

Essentially, Pinterest is a visual bookmarking platform, almost like a social media scrapbook. With a focus on image-based posts, Pinterest enables users to collect visual content they discover anywhere online and ‘pin’ it to their Pinterest profile using their own customizable ‘Pinboards’. Other users can then ‘Repin’, ‘Like’ or ‘Comment’ on images, with activities then appearing in a real-time feed for fellow ‘pinners’ and members to see.

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