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Wishing Every India A Happy Independence Day.Jai Hind!

Independence Day, August 15, commemorates the day in 1947 when India achieved freedom from British rule. It is celebrated with flag hoisting ceremonies and cultural programs in the state capitals. The Prime Minister’s speech at the Red Fort in Delhi is the major highlight.

Take a stand against evil, corruption & terrorism 4 we belong to India, a nation of pride
& we will thus say-“HINDU, MUSLIM, SIKH, ISAI, SAB HAI BHAI BHAI.”
god bless
hai ram
jai hind!!!

Everyone would have noticed in their Blogs that whenever you click an Link a dotted border appear around the link. The dotted Border not only appears for links but for all images , Post Titles , etc. It’s some what Annoying .This Is Not a big deal, but it’s good without the dotted lines . I am not sure if you have noticed it or not but i did.We can just ignore this for most of the times but sometimes it affects the look and feel of the site.

The Cause

When a link is clicked, it gets the focus. Firefox adds dotted borders to links that have focus to remind the users.

If you want them out as well or want to stop the dotted outlines here’s the simple thing to do. We just need to add outline:none to the a tag.

The Solution

To avoid the border, add this CSS rule to your page:

Go to your Dashboard then click Layout then Edit HTML place the code below:

a {
outline: none;

then save.

If your not sure where to place them, just click Ctrl+F then type a img then place the above code under it…please refer the image below for clarification.

And It’s Done, Enjoy!

In the last week a new ad network has launched – PerformancingAds.

Bloggers who have been around for a while will know that this isn’t the first time Performancing have ventured into the ad network space – they previously launched a network back in 2006 but closed it down last year during a period where they when through a management restructure and ultimately were sold.

Performancing Ads is a state of the art ad network, built from the ground up, by experienced publishers and advertisers. The development team included an all-start cast of well-known Internet professionals such as Ryan Caldwell, Chris Garrett, Sean Hickey and Randa Clay.

Here’s How It Works

  • The ads are based around the popular 125 x 125 pixel banner ads that you see on many blogs (including the ones you see in Templates Treasure sidebar).
  • It is a self service system where advertisers sign up, submit ads and pay for them all via Performancing and then they send you your share of the revenue at the same time each month.
  • You can book your own ads for free – might seem a little silly but if you have spare spots and want to fill them with ads pointing at affiliate programs or even key parts of your blog you can fill them with internal ads.
  • Publishers are put into a Marketplace where your blog will be shown to prospective advertisers looking for blogs to advertise on.
  • They have a traffic exchange system where you allow other blogs to show their ad on your blog in exchange for credits which can be used to display your ad on other blogs. You also earn credits by selling ads.
  • The Revenue Share – You earn a minimum of 60% of what the ads sell for – Performancing takes the other 40%. This will be tiered up as high as 90% for publishers for ‘better performing publishers’ (not sure if that is based upon sales or traffic)
  • You have control over where the ads appear, how many are shown and even some control over how they look (like spacing between them)
  • You can create multiple regions on your blog so have the ads appear in multiple positions
  • You can filter out ads you don’t want to appear by adding words for keywords and/or domains that you don’t want advertisers from
  • Advertisers buy ads based upon weekly increments
  • They have a premium program where if your blog has over 250,000 US pageviews per month they can sell ads on your behalf in different size ad units (728×90, 300×250 and 160×600).
  • You have control over what ads are priced at. You can also set ads to be no-follow ads (or not).
  • There is a WordPress Plugin to help manage these ads if you’re a WP user

If you are interested in selling ad space on your blog, do not want to drive your visitors away by shoving adsense in their face, then Performancing Ads might be for you. Take a look now.

tepuktanganEntrecard Credits Storetepuktangan
star!You Can’t Find Anything Better Than This Anywhere Guaranteed!star


Hi!Today i thought many times that I have good amount of Entrecard Credits in my account so what should i do which can help me as well as others alsorindu .Then suddenly an Idea Stroke into my mind that How about selling it?

So,Here I m with my new idea of selling Entrecard Credits in a different way;It is cheap,unique & everyone would like to buy it.

So Here are 3 Different packs which you can buy from me in easy way.Payments can Be Done via PayPal and Don’t Forget to check the Current EC For Sale balance at the last which will be updated on daily bases.

Pack 1: 1000 ec = $2.25 (Status=Available)
Pack 2: 2000 ec + a lifetime link back to your blog in this post = $4.25 (savings- 5%) (Status=Available)
Pack 3: 3000 ec + a lifetime link back to your blog in this post + a free 125×125 px ad of your blog in this post = $6.35 (savings- 6%) (Status=Available)
Pack 4: 4000 ec + a lifetime link back to your blog in this post + a 468×60 px ad of your blog in this post = $8.35 (savings- 7.2%) (Status=Available)
Pack 5: 5000 ec + a lifetime link back to your blog with your blog small description and a 125×125 px ad in this post + a 125×125 px ad of your blog in the sidebar for 1 month = $10 (Status=Available)

How To Pay?
Payments can be done with the help of Free merchant Service called PayPal .If you don’t have Paypal Account Then Signup for free now PayPal.

If you want to buy any of the listed Pack above,then send me an e-mail via this Contact Link.I wil then send you the paypal id where you can send the amount.


After Sending the amount comment below just telling me that i have sent the amount.

It is recommended that you contact me via your e-mail id only,For knowing my gmail id See the About me Post.

Current EC Balance For Sale: 0000
check the above thing always before buying

Entrecard Credits Sold till now: 18000+

*Last Updated on 16 September 2008
Freebies provided in Pack 5 Earlier has been changed now please see it properly and it will be applicalable to the new buyers only..

tepuktanganOur Proud Buyerstepuktangan

Captured By Gravity



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Source: Free Press Newspaper, India

Hackers turned computer security specialists accuse Google of setting users up for online disasters by letting them personalise home pages with applications that could be tainted.

Software that hackers can trick people into installing on “iGoogle” home pages can track users’ activities and control their machines, SecTheory chief executive Robert Hansen showed this yesterday.gigitjari

“I could force you to download child porn or send subversive material to China,” Hansen said. “The exploitation is almost limitless. Google has to fix it.”

Google lets people customise iGoogle home pages with mini-software programs called “gadgets” such as to-do lists, news feeds, currency converters, and calendars.

Hackers can program malicious code into proffered gadgets or break into systems hosted by engineers providing legitimate mini-programs.

“It turns out a lot of people who develop these things aren’t good at security,” Hansen said, citing research he and Cenzic security analyst Tom Stracener shared at a notorious annual DefCon hacker gathering in Las Vegas.

“We pretty much break into anything we try.” Hackers can resort to a tactic of luring people to websites that trick people into installing applications in iGoogle home pages. A hacker can remotely control a victim’s computer as long as the iGoogle page is open.

Gmail users face danger from the same “hole” in security, according to Hansen, whose hacker name is “RSnake.”

“We’ve been telling Google about these vulnerabilities for years and they have not made corrective actions,” Hansen said.

“They chose to open the doors and insomuch put a lot of consumers at risk.”

Google says it checks gadgets for malicious code, rarely finding any, and that it removes tainted programs. gigil

fikir Here arises a question that We The bloggers,Should we stop using those google gadgets?

By the way i never thought of using it but when it comes to hacking i might try it because I Like Hacking and Hacking Is Not A Crime It’s My Passionencem

Comment Guysbanyakckp
