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Are you a surfing fan?Are you really passionate about surfing?Then this template will best suite your personality.

If you don’t know how to install the template then do read: How To Install Blogger Templates
before doing anything.

Do It Your Self:
There is only one thing which you have to do is that change your Feed URL.For This Search Using CTRL + F in the template for :

Then add the adsense(If you know about it) by your own creativity anywhere n Enjoy this template.

Vibrant is a WordPress template created by CustomThemeDesign and converted to Blogger XML Template by GosuBlogger. He made everything easier in this template for newbies to use it easily. Because there are people who dont know even “a” tags in HTML and mail me everyday , that’s why he decided to do something like this.

Vibrant Blogger XML Template is 3 column with 3 ajax tabs , you can change your blogroll clicking it from your blogger dashboard , you cannot edit recent posts and recent comments widgets in template. Since IE makes trouble while showing buttons i deleted buttons and added Enter feature instead of them. So anybody who wants search must type words and hit enter.

Vibrant Blogger XML Template

  • 3 columns
  • 3 tabbed ajax menu
  • Stylish navigation menu
  • Supports widgets on Blogger
  • XML template
  • Adsense Ready
  • XHTML & CSS compliance
  • Re-edited for newbies

Do It YourSelf:
To Enable People To Subscribe To You Feeds Search For This Code In The Template.Hit CTRL + F To search fot it:


And Change the number to your feedburner Id .Simple?
Any Problem Then Do Ask Me!

Today when i checked my adsense account i found the new Google adsense for feeds.

But putting AdSense ads in feed will take time for everyone. Although Google brought FeedBurner, there is no automatic way to integrate AdSense and Feedburner. This has to be done manually by AdSense support team. I mailed them as per official help instruction page.

Like AdSense for Content, ads in feed are also contextual in nature. So I am expecting nice revenue from this AdSense for Feeds program. I guess this will offset my 10-20% AdSense revenue loss due to retirement of Adsense referral for products program.

I think bloggers with full text feeds will get more benefit as their posts will have more text to target.

If you use FeedBurner with MyBrand option, then you may face some problem. Amit Agarwal already posted workaround for this.

You Might See Feed Ads In Action Here

As You Must Have Read The Recent Updates n Fixes By Blogger In The Previous Post .Now I will tell you the hack to Add The Blogger’s New “Reaction” Feature as i said in earlier post for those people who are using A Customized Blogger Template.This Hack has been given to me by

If You are using a Classic template i.e provided from blogger then read this post.

For Customised Template It Goes Like This:

Depending on the type of template you are using, you will need to use one of two methods to add the required code to your template.

If you are using a default Blogger template with no modifications to widgets or the post layout…

Go to the Layout>Edit HTML page in your Blogger dashboard, and look for the “Revert Widget Templates to Default” link near the bottom of the page.

Clicking on this link will replace all of the widget templates with the updated code. All of your existing widgets will remain, so don’t worry about losing any data! Instead, this will simply replace outdated code with new code, and ensure you can add all of Blogger’s new features with ease.

If you use a customized/third party template…

You will need to add the required code to your template manually.

In this case, go to Layout>Edit HTML in your Blogger dashboard and check the “Expand widget templates” box.

Next, search for the following line of code (or similar):

<p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'>

Immediately after this line, add the following section of code:

<span class='reaction-buttons'>

<b:if cond='data:top.showReactions'>

<table border='0' cellpadding='0' width='100%'><tr>

<td valign='center'><span class='reactions-label'>



<td><iframe allowtransparency='true' class='reactions-iframe' expr:src='data:post.reactionsUrl' frameborder='0' name='reactions' scrolling='no'/></td>




Preview your template to see the “Reactions” add-on appear beneath each of your blog posts, and finally, save this new addition to your template.

If you cannot find the “post-footer-line” in your blog template, search for <p><data:post.body/></p> instead, and paste the code immediately after this line.

As You can see i m using a customized blogger template n this feature is working properly.
What Do You Say About This?

Today Blogger Announced Some New n Interesting Updates.These Are Some updates provided from blogger buzz.

  • There’s a new look for the Blogger Dashboard, which we think you’ll find more attractive and functional. If you have a ton of blogs (as we do) try out the “hide” and “show all” links to help manage the list.
  • Google Gadgets in your Layouts blog can now set their height automatically (if the gadget author supports it). Read more about adding Google Gadgets to your blog.
  • AdSense page elements can now optionally have image ads. We’ve found image ads have a higher click-through rate, so you might get more money if you turn them on.
  • We wrote up a Features page to help you keep track of everything you can do with Blogger. Take a look and see if you’ve been missing out on something cool.
  • The Flag Blog button in the Blogger navbar now pops up a window for you to tell us why you think the blog violates our terms of service. Flag Blog is always handled exclusively by human reviewers, not the automated spam locking system, so this information will better help them decide what, if any, action should be taken.

And also fixed some bugs, including:

  • Fixed Moto template header overlap in IE7.
  • Blocked the /feedReaderJson URL from web crawlers, to reduce 404s in Webmaster Tools.
  • Increased cacheability of CSS and JavaScript throughout Blogger, for faster page loads.
  • Button style and layout improvements throughout Blogger.

New feature: Reactions

With the new Reactions feature, you can get one-click feedback from your readers. Think of it as a mini-poll for each blog post, or a flexible version of star ratings because you customize what options are available. We hope this will help your blogs get feedback from people who read your posts but don’t have enough to say to for a full comment.

To enable Reactions, log in to and go to your Layouts page. From there, click the “Edit” link for the Blog Posts gadget and then check the “Reactions” checkbox. You can edit the Reactions buttons by clicking “Edit” or clicking the buttons themselves, as shown.

You can customize the location of the Reactions within the post by dragging the preview around in the “Arrange Items” box. We’ve found that it looks best when it’s on its own line, but your mileage may vary.

You can customize the options and their label to match the theme and style of your blog.

Additional Notes

  • This is a Layouts-only feature. If you’re using a Classic template you’ll need to upgrade to Layouts to add Reactions.
  • The buttons should blend seamlessly with most blog backgrounds. Button backgrounds are a mostly transparent grey which should, we hope, coordinate with everything. The text and button highlight colors for the ratings are taken from the following skin variables:
    • Foreground: textcolor, textColor, mainTextColor
    • Highlight: linkcolor, linkColor, mainLinkColor
  • If you have customized your blog widget’s template you may not see the reactions. You will need to either reset your blog widget’s template or copy the Reactions code from a fresh template. Search for “reactions-buttons” to find the appropriate block of code.
  • A known issue: if you choose short words/phrases, it’s possible to enter enough options that the line of buttons will wrap (and not look very good). If this happens to you, you’ll need to shorten your options or reduce their number.

To Use this on a Customised Blogger Template A New Hack Have Been Posted Now.
