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Discover The SAME Formula That I Use To Rake-In $10K+ every month! Enter your details below and DOWNLOAD The Blogging Profit Formula For FREE! This Is The Same Formula I Use To Make Money Online on Autopilot...

This is a guest post by David Murton. In this post, you are going to learn how to use the power of twitter to spy on people so that you can copy his/her secret techniques to increase your internet business revenue. Hope you will get the brains like Sherlock Holmes after going through this post.

  • Mini-camera inside a pen? Check.
  • Lock-picking tools? Check.
  • The old hidden compartment inside the sole of the shoe trick? Check.
  • Twitter account? Che… Huh? Twitter account?

Yeah, that’s right – A Twitter account. The easiest, cheapest and most effective way to spy on those guys with the temerity to compete against you in the big, bad world of business. It’s also the most comfortable. As long as your favorite café has impeccable wireless access, then just kick back in the corner with that latte and muffin and let those clowns give away their circus’ secrets to you.

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This is a guest post by Karimium, a tech geek and blogger from Find out 5 key-points which worked for Karimium in attaining online success. Following these 5 things could greatly help you to improve your blogging.

With some many A-list bloggers making 6 figure sums on a monthly basis, the prospect of blogging as a career is indeed an attractive one.

I get asked on a daily basis by peers with 9-5 jobs, how I managed to succeed online. I can nail these down into 5 key points, which worked for me, which I’m willing to share with you.

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This is a guest post by Tara Miller from and in this post, she is going to explain her strategy of hosting an ePanel that helps presents interesting content to readers. Wanna know how? Continue reading this post…

Many bloggers today turn to the guest posting strategy as a way to get new and varied content for their blogs. Of course, this is a great strategy, as it benefits both bloggers, and so it has become extremely popular.

However, I would like to present another great strategy for creating interesting content. I don’t mean to suggest that you should stop seeking out guest posts; instead, I mean that you should consider this strategy as a yet another way to get interesting content on your blog.

The strategy I suggest is that you try to host an ePanel on your blog.

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This is a guest post by Jean Lam. Discover in this post, the 7 blog monetization strategies with which you can monetize your blog traffic and make your online business become more profitable. If you are a newbie blogger who haven’t made any money from its blog, then this post will definitely help you kick-start your online income through blogging.

Blogging is becoming increasingly popular today. It’s a great medium for interacting with people online and it can forge relationships. By writing useful and high-quality content regularly and sharing that valuable information with your readers, you’re building a rapport with them. Always welcome their opinion and let them share their opinions and experiences.

This ongoing rapport eventually builds trust with them and as you might know, when people trust you, they are more prone to buy from you. By using the blogging platform to bring your readers to your blog again and again, you can eventually monetize on that traffic effectively.

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It’s time to finally reveal, the lucky winners for our Google AdWords Voucher Giveaway that was organized in April with the help of AdCouponCode.

Honestly, this giveaway was little COLD in terms of participation. I mean, not many people these days are looking interested to try Google AdWords. And many of us know why…SLAP!

This giveaway received decent amount of Likes (around 44), but unfortunately many people who liked it, forgot at the end to tweet my tracking message that was hidden inside the box (I even added a note below the box…)

Surprisingly, in last one week, even after ending our facebook coupons giveaway, there were more people sending me emails about the Facebook giveaway than the Google AdWords giveaway.

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