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This is a guest post by Bryan who is an article marketing expert and blogs at Money With Articles . Today he is using his experience to tell us 3 things that your articles should definitely have to make it a traffic sucking monster.

The title probably caught your attention, didn’t it? If you know anything about article marketing, you should know that the title is one of the most important elements to an article. It literally makes or breaks it. It’s the one thing that a visitor will come across and decide whether or not they will continue on to read what follows.

If your title is weak, chances are, you won’t get many people sweeping through to read your content, no matter HOW glorious or informative it may be. That’s the truth about article marketing. It can be brutal out there, but it doesn’t have to be.

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This is a guest post by Peter from Ideas Bubble that is helping us today with ways to save our self from blogging boredom which undoubtedly a blogger faces sometimes. This post is a great survival guide.

(ADMIN NOTE: The recent issue with SmartBloggerz commenting system that restricted many of you to post comments from past 4-5 days has been fixed. You can comment now easily. Let me know if you are still facing any problem.)

7 days a week, a few times posting a week, commenting and guest posting; it all builds up, and before you know it you’ve lost complete interest in blogging. Things can become extremely repetitive if you don’t keep looking for different ways to fuel your interest in the blogosphere.

This can also explain why so many people end up quitting blogging, they don’t achieve the goals that they want or they lose interest. To avoid the same fate as what many people have had before us, there are certain things we can do to escape.

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With millions of registered domain names in the world, it’s hard to find a good domain name that’s still available. The fact is that the domain name market is filled with opportunistic traders who are in the business of buying and selling domain names with no intention of actually making use of it. Due to this, most of the registered domain names don’t even have a website to go along with it!

This could frustrate you sometimes when you are on a hunt for a good domain name because using domain name checking tools of official domain registrars takes lot of time and sometimes the results are zero i.e .the domain name is taken.

But there are several tools that can be very handy when it comes to looking for a domain name. This could bring down the time you actually waste on finding domains on a specific domain registrar. One nice handy tool is – PCNames which helps you search domain names instantly.

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This is a guest post by Anna Miller from . Through this post, she is going to give tips on how to get good guest bloggers to write for our blogs so that our blog remains as fresh as possible with new content.

Many articles on this site and others are geared more toward guest bloggers themselves. But maybe your own blog has stagnated a bit. You don’t have the time to write content for your blog on a regular basis, or perhaps you can’t come up with new ideas. You’d like to occasionally spotlight a new voice that will imbue your blog with a freshness that you, at the moment, cannot provide.

The fact of the matter is that there are various good reasons for having outsiders write content for your blog. If anything, it’ll give your blog some forward momentum. At the same time, however, attracting a guest blogger who is a good fit for your blog can be tough work. Here are a few tips for doing just that:

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Web Hosting is like a fuel supplier for any website. Without this fuel, your website will not be able to serve on internet.

With numerous web hosting companies coming out with their hosting services every month; it’s hard for a webmaster to select the ‘quality fuel’ a.k.a web hosting for their website.

But today, I have got to tell you about a web hosting company that has re-branded themselves to better serve customers, named Web Hosting Hub (WHH); and it has got some nice potential to emerge as a best web hosting company if it does everything right in future.

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