
This is a guest post by David Seen from

A Question: Why Outsource?

Setting: a young, strong dentist, who just opened his private clinic, arrives the day of a major snowfall.  Upon hearing the forecast the previous evening, he had groaned as he adjusted his alarm;  he would have to wake up 15 minutes early.  Before he begins his regular work day, he shovels the snow in front of his clinic, so his patients wouldn’t fall.   Then, he enters his clinic, flips on the “OPEN” sign and waits for business.

In a few weeks his business picks up.  He is booked solid.  A major snowstorm is on its way.  Will he do the shoveling now?

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• GuestPosts

This is a guest post by John Burnside from

There is no feeling like finishing a post, you’ve spat all your words out onto the page and are ready to send it off to the world-wide web waiting for it to be judged by the discerning reader.

The greatest temptation of all at that point is to just publish that post and go downstairs to make a cup of tea (or vodka, whatever is your poison) but this is the very way to put people off reading your posts because without all the trimmings; your post is nowhere near meeting its true potential.

Here is a list of things that I do after the post is written to make it a more attractive proposition to the audience:

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This guest post is written by Jane Sheeba of Problogging Success who has an awesome free e-course for killer content creation. Be sure to check it out!

Your blogging success greatly depends on your writing skill. As you progress from the level of a novice to the experienced blogger, you can experience endless ways to improve your writing and thus you will be able to engage your audience and define your own success story.

OK, what about headlines? They are the crucial bits that get your blog posts read.

Let me get straight to the meat of this post.

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This is a guest post by Olga Lonel from

Deciding that you want to become a professional blogger is an exciting career step that can welcome you into a life of enjoying your occupation, maximizing your free time, and generating a very comfortable income all online.

You may quickly find, however, that just owning a blog is not enough to get you settled into a career as a successful blogger.

Of course, you do not have to have the goal of being a professional blogger in order for a blog to be a beneficial feature of your business activities. In fact, many companies are now integrating the use of blogs as a key feature in their larger promotional strategies.

Whether you want to generate your income purely from blogging or if you are using a blog as a support platform, it is essential that you learn to handle your blog well so that you can maximize its potential for growth and success.

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This is a guest post by Sonia Jackson. Welcome to my web-site

Posting guest articles on other Blogs is a great way to promote your own website. Choosing where to post, however, is the deciding factor of the success of Guest Blogging.

Here are few things you should consider when choosing where to Blog.

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