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You start your blog with some obvious expectations. The most important achievement remains to attract more readers and get followers for your blog. You must track your blog’s visitors to get an idea of your traffic. However, you should also concentrate on the traffic that bounces off.
Let us begin by understanding what exactly a blog’s bounce rate is. Each day you have new visitors to your blog. However, some (or most) of these visitors will simply leave your blog immediately after landing on your blog.
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This is a guest post by Steven from
Offline companies spend millions each year perfecting the packaging of their products, because they realize the color schemes and the outward design of the packaging can affect the products bottom-line.
Visual stimuli can attract an individual to a particular product or it can have the exact opposite affect if the stimuli isn’t appealing to the eye.
These facts are critical to bloggers and webmasters because the visual appeal of your blog can affect how a visitor responds to your website. A poorly designed blog can have a repellent affect which will cause visitors to hit the back button. This will inevitably lead to a higher bounce rate and recent signals suggest that Google is taking a sites bounce rate into consideration when ranking a site or webpage.
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This is a guest post by Liorl who is a web consultant and today, he will be telling us 7 Ways to make your precious visitors leave your blog immediately 😀 So make sure you are not doing anything like this and avoid most of these ways if you can. You can follow him on Twitter @liorl
The simple truth is that, even on the best sites, most visitors leave after reading just one page.
However, there is a big difference between getting visitors what they need in one click and turning them away in disgust. Those who get their needs met will likely come back and, eventually, may subscribe. Those who run away screaming will make it a point to never come back.
So what are some of the things that sites do to make visitors slam the door on the way out? There are many but here are seven of the more issues on the Web.
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Top 10 Search Terms: • how to make visitors leave
This is a guest post by Usman Khan who owns a Technology Focused Rise Dream Blog and through this post is giving us tips to reduce bounce rate of our blog or website.
Nowadays blogging is turning out to be an easy way for bloggers to express their thoughts and at the same time earn money. A lot of bloggers write meaningful posts that are meant to convey a message towards the potential readers but they fail keeping their visitors engaged on their blog.
The high numbers of quality blogs available on a single topic are creating some traffic problems especially for the new bloggers. It is essential for a blogger to understand the importance of persuading a visitor in spending more time on a blog.
One of the traffic issues new bloggers are confronted with is the high bounce rate of their blog. Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors towards a blog or website who exit the site without bothering to view more then a single page within a time session.
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