Social Networking

This is a guest post by Noah Mark Rodolfo from

Social networking is one of today’s biggest arena when it comes to online marketing. It’s been an effective gauge for Internet businesses, not only for e-commerce sites but also for bloggers. Facebook, Twitter and even Google+ are making a big impact on the Internet and many practical users are taking the bait. So the question is – “does SEO still have relevance for your online business?”.

SEO against social networking is an interesting topic especially if you are looking for the best way to market your website business. If you want to promote your brand using social medias, then you certainly have to build your social network profile to develop both yourself and your site. Otherwise, you’ll have to stick with search engine optimization which is more complicated compared to social network marketing.

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This is a guest post by Annie Wallace who blogs at

The stay-at-home mother of the 1950s is no longer an accurate picture of the self-styled businesswoman of today. The modern housewife is capable of running a corporation out of her kitchen with a nursing baby in one arm and a toddler attached to her leg.

It takes a certain skill set undoubtedly unique to the beleaguered domestic engineer. The new era of cyber-technology and social networking has given the modern stay-at-home a social and business vantage never before dreamed possible for this traditionally overlooked market base.

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This is a guest post by Indu Priya from TheIdeasHome.

I realized that almost all the top 100 blogs (according to Technorati) have social media presence. They mainly have their profiles on Twitter, Facebook and Stumbleupon.

So today I wanted to write about marketing content on social media sites mainly Twitter, Facebook, Stumbleupon and Digg.

A social media campaign has an inherent viral exposure.  If you are using social media sites only as a “link building” resources, then you are limiting your potential.

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Top 10 Search Terms:

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A few weeks back i had registered with SocialSpark, created by izea network with the objective to be a social networking site between bloggers and advertisers. Registration was easy, and to get our blogs accepted into their network is also very easy. I read through their FAQ to learn more and to know what differentiate them from other similar sites.

SocialSpark of ethics is simple there’s 100% audit-able in-post disclosure, transparency and real opinions. So every post will have a disclosure badge, and every opportunities taken by us can be viewed at our profile page. We can also freely give our opinion on the matter posted, as our real opinion is what matter actually. This is a community between blogger and advertisers another where everyone in the network can view others profiles and their work, this should add some credibility in the long run for the blogger and benefits them tremendously.

Very good thing in my opinion is all the opportunities taken includes a nofollow tag which is Google-friendly. As other paid reviews networks before this had a dofollow tag in every and each post as a requirement, google has taken some measures to weight down the importance of some blogs page rank, some even had their rankings dropped down by 3 rank. Socialspark has taken care of that by doing a nofollow tag to all paid posts as a requirement so it wont affect bloggers and even advertisers.

There are 2 type of opportunities, one is the sponsored post and another is the blog sponsorship. A sponsored post is just like the usual paid review type of post where we create our unique post based on the requirements. Blog sponsorship is where our blog is sponsored by the advertiser calculated by amount offered multiplied with the amount of days it ran. Normally for blog sponsorship, there will be banners, images or text advertisements.

Sometimes when the opportunity that we are interested in is fully reserved or closed, SocialSpark allows us to message advertisers and maybe negotiate some deal through it. SocialSpark had made it easier for us bloggers to find opportunities and advertisers and i’m looking forward to deal more with them later. You can check them out through the link provided and see the opportunities available. Signing up is free and easy.