successful blogging

This is a guest post by Shamelle Perera from

When starting out a new blog it can often be fairly frustrating experience. You put in a lot of effort but you might feel as you are not seeing results. Like anything worthwhile, building a solid and effective blog will take some time and hard work.

At the same time it’s important to know that the effort you are putting in is steering you in the right direction.

So how do you know you are on the right path to blogging stardom?

Here is a list of 7 things that tell you that your online efforts are on the right track, your optimization, content and marketing strategies are working and bearing fruit.

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This is a guest post by Alvina from

Writing has always been a huge part of my life, so when I enrolled in an English program at my state college as an undergraduate no one was really surprised.

While English courses helped me perfect my grammar and understand the various works of Shakespeare, my English courses didn’t specifically prepare me for blogging.

No, the skills I learned that made me a self-proclaimed blogger extraordinaire naturally occurred while I worked as a part-time journalist for the student newspaper. To find out what lessons I learned from the news room that can help boost your blogging career, continue reading below.

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This is a guest post by David Sneen from

Whoa, with a title like that, what if this article turns out to be a dud? Pressure! My goal is to write a superior article–otherwise my content will contradict my heading. Therefore, I welcome your feedback (comment).

(I wrote this article with the written blog post in mind. You may find some of this information to be irrelevant if you are creating videos or Powerpoint content.)

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• how to write blogs on google

This is a guest post by Knit from Content Axis.

As an avid blogger, creating interesting and reader engaging content has always topped my priority list. As a matter of fact, I have always felt that somehow I have to remain creative to create compelling content.

You would also agree with me that we fellow bloggers have to literally make ends meet and try hard to get the taste of creativity.

It is just like an ice-cream that everyone wishes to have but only the person capable of making payment gets to taste it.

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This is a guest post by Sharyn Sheldon from

Have you become wrapped up in the personal branding quest? Between social media consultants, life coaches, marketing experts, and other blogging gurus; creating your own personal brand can sound like a complicated exercise.

Among other things, you’ll need to discover what really matters to you and your target audience, where you provide unique value, and how you want to be perceived.

While the process of putting together your total personal brand “package” sounds daunting, it’s far easier to communicate to the world than you think. It’s not as if you’re creating a product from scratch. You already exist!

One of the things that all your consultants might forget to tell you is that the real you is what matters most in building credibility. As soon as you start trying to market an artificial personal brand, people will see right through it and you’ll lose the trust you were striving for in the first place. And we’re not just talking about bloggers here. These principles apply to everyone.

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• identify yourself • twitthis com