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This is a guest post by James Martell from

Whether you are just starting out in your Internet business, or have been at it for a while now, there are some important steps you need to take when developing quality content. Some of this might seem very basic to those who have worked for a while now, but a refresher never hurts.

I am not going to go into much detail on why quality content is important, as I’ve done that in a few other articles. This time I am going to focus on the actual development of material that will attract the attention of Google, an important ally to have when working with the Internet.

Google no longer is friendly to fluff material that are articles stuffed with keywords, yet no substance. They have the ability to zero in on quality content and weed out the material created for computer spiders, rather than humans. Gone are the days of spinning and stuffing.

So, let’s get down to what can help you in creating Google-friendly content.

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How many of us make our money from marketing affiliate programs online?

How many of us market more than one product? Doesn’t doing this just get frustrating at times?

Wouldn’t it be nice if we had a way to manage all of these affiliate links?

Well I certainly thought so, and after scouring the internet looking for a solution I was able to find offers all the affiliate management tools us internet marketers need.

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This is a guest post by Lior Levin, a marketing consultant for a company that offers conversion services in psd to xhtml. Lior also consults for an international company that specializes in Targeted Cancer Therapies.

As almost any blogger knows, guest posting can be one of the most valuable tools for promoting your site and building your brand. It can help you reach new audiences, build valuable inbound links and expand your presence online.

However, guest blogging, if done right, takes a fair amount of time and not every guest blogging opportunity is created equal.

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GeoEdge seems like an online marketers dream at first, but for someone who does not have the time to give it a proper look; it may look like just another piece of unnecessary software.

I have condensed all the questions online marketers have about GeoEdge into this review and I set out to find the answers.

What Exactly Is GeoEdge?

Geo EdgeGeoEdge is powerful software that allows you to view how well your (or any) website is performing in more than 100 different locations. They are the largest proxy network in the world. All you have to do is install the toolbar to your browser and you are ready to go. Multiple web browsers are supported such as;

  • Explorer
  • Firefox
  • Chrome(beta)

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This is a guest post by Tom McSherry from

As bloggers and Internet marketers, we often have a tendency to focus on traffic. After all, if no one is visiting your website, you’re not going to make any money – it’s that simple. But don’t be one of those people who makes the mistake of spending all your time on traffic generation methods, without learning the tricks and techniques you’ll need to convert those visitors into customers once they arrive.

Whether you’re selling affiliate products, your own ebook or your services, you need to balance out search engine optimization against the need to actually convert people. If you understand both aspects – SEO, and copywriting – you can blend them together seamlessly.

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